I am sure most of you have tried a jet ski. Whenever I have done one, I always wished to wrestle the controls from the jet ski instructor and take over myself. Some of them are so scared to let you have the charge that you are merely just touching the handle while he is doing all the maneuvering. The imp in me would sometimes, just tell me to just push the guy off and do a round myself – I mean, he is wearing a life jacket and I can play the angel by steering the jet ski myself to rescue him. (I know, just mischevious thoughts but I would never do that to anyone 😉). Well, this trip to Mauritius fulfilled this desire of being a captain of my own cruise – but not by way of the jet ski. It was when I took charge of a seakart.

What is a Seakart?
Seakart is one of its kind activity that they say is available in Mauritius. If I were to describe it, I would say it a cross between a jet ski and a speedboat. It is a lot more stable than a jet ski and easy to ride as compared to a speedboat. The best part is that it is quite stable and they guarantee it to be unsinkable. For those who are keen on what the technical specs are –
- It has a 4 stroke engine of 110 horsepower
- It is 2m long and can seat up to 2 adults and one kid
- And well, it has a turbine propeller -which essentially translates to it being quite safe when steering.

When I saw it the first time, it looked like an inflated water bed with an engine. I was a little skeptical of how stable it would be but once I sat in it, the doubts vanished for it is anything but a light, inflated bed. Having said that, it is not that light that you would be blown away by strong winds. To some extent, it reminded me of a hovercraft.
Preparation for the first ride on a seakart

With a lot of enthusiasm, I was all ready to hop into a seakart and zoom away. Interestingly, I was not scared nor anxious about the ride but was quite excited. All outfitted in our life-jackets, we sat down for our formal briefing. The guides introduced us to a seakart and assured us that it was a safe ride. The rest of their instructions covered –
- How to start the seakart – a simple press button is all it took after inserting the key
- The seakart had only a hand accelerator for a control. You just had to let go of the same to stop of slow down.
- The seakarts were to be ridden in a V formation.
- The safety boat would be at the tip of the V and we were to look at the instructor on the boat for the various signals.
- The instructor also, familiarized us with the various hand signals – essentially to go slow or fast or to change directions
And with that my confidence rose and I was ready to be Captain Ami.
Starting Woes of a seakart

I tried not to show my over-excited self to my partner-in-crime – Nisha Jha. She did seem a little skeptical of sitting with me as I could not hide my over enthused self. However, I suppose she did co-pilot with me ;-). I don’t think she regretted the decision – or did you Nisha?

Once we sat into the seakart and started it, the initial hiccups started. I started slow and went against the waves – I realized it was not easy to keep the boat on track. Keeping to the course was as difficult as trying to walk on a rope. I kept trailing so much that the safety boat had to stop till we caught up with the rest. It was then, I figured the trick.
Pushing the throttle was the key. As I picked up the speed, I realized that I was in better control of the seakart – it was much easier to keep on the course at a higher speed.
Cruising along on a seakart

Once I hit the high, there was no looking back. It was like Jim Carrey in Mask saying “Somebody stop me!”. As you can see, the glee on my face as the wind rushed through my hair and the high when the seakart flew off the waves to land back safely – it is just indescribable. Encouraging were the whoops from Nisha and the only reason I would slow down is when my safety boat instructor literally cut off the throttle and made frantic signals to stop.

I had forgotten about the V but was following more of a straight line formation where I almost overtook the safety boat. 😉 One hour felt a little less now that I was enjoying myself so much that I did not really spend time admiring the lovely sea, except when my throttle was deliberately cut off. While waiting for the rest to catch up, I realized how beautiful and blue the lagoon really was.
Tips for a great ride on a seakart

Here are some tricks that can help you get a great ride on a seakart –
- Going slow makes it difficult to keep the seakart on track. Push the throttle to a comfortable speed and you will realize it is easy to steer
- Going against the waves is scary initially as you will feel as if you are in the air for some time. However, the seakart is made in such a way that you will land back safely.
- Keep a parallel track with the seakart ahead of you. The waves it generates is what makes your ride a little unstable
- Do not get close to any seakart. Maintain sufficient distance.
- I recommend trying to get into the driving seat at least once – the fun doubles when you are at the wheel.
Mission Accomplished

Like all good things, this one too came to an end. I think my instructor was a little relieved, considering that I was constantly threatening to overtake him. After my ride was done, I asked him how fast I was going and whoopie! I was at 60 kmph. No wonder he had his heart in his mouth. He admitted that and also, complimented me on my ride. And with that, the mission that Captain Ami had – one where I wanted to ride my own jet ski or speedboat, was accomplished.
What about you? Do you think you would want to have a go at this seakart. I would definitely say – “Go for it!” – for it is one of the most unique and must do activities in Mauritius. You might not get a chance elsewhere.

Getting here:
- Seakart is offered by Fun Adventures in Mauritius. The place where this is offered is La Balise, Black River, near the Flic-Flac beach.
- Getting to this place will need you to either use a taxi or a bus. For the bus, you can click here for the various routes.
Travel Tips:
- Here is the official website of the operator of the Seakarts. You can book your ride through this website.
- There are various packages that you can opt for. A one hour package would cost you 5500 Mauritian Rupees for 2 adults and one kid.
- You can drive a seakart as long as you are 16 years old or over.
- Wear your swimsuits for the experience as you will be drenched with the sea mist.
- The instructor on the boat keeps taking your pictures but you will need to purchase them at the counter. If you have a waterproof camera, take the same along with you. If you have your traditional camera, you might want to carry a waterproof cover to operate the same. You don’t get completely drenched and hence, with a waterproof cover, you might want to consider taking the same. However, the same would be at your risk.
- There are lockers and hot showers available at the place.
P.S: I was a part of the media trip organized by Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority. All pictures used in this post have been clicked by the Fun Adventure team as I opted to leave mine in the safety of their lockers.
Popularly referred to as a Restless Ball of Energy. My Mom refuses to entertain my complaints about my equally restless daughter & assures my husband that I was born with a travel bug.
I am a Post-Graduate in Marketing by qualification and a travel blogger by passion. Besides travel, I enjoy photography and if you don’t find me at my desk, I would be out playing badminton or swimming or just running. I believe in planning for every long weekend through the year. And when I cannot travel physically, I travel virtually through this travel blog. My travel stories have also, got published on various websites and magazines including BBC Travel, Lonely Planet India and Jetwings. I have recently published my first book – When Places Come Alive – a collection of stories that are based on legends, landscapes, art and culture of a place which is available in both ebook and paperback format.
That seems like an awesome experience! Looks like we missed out on a great activity when we were there in Mauritius for our honeymoon a few years back!
This was the best experience for me in Mauritius. I hope you get to go again for this. 🙂
What a fun ride it was ! 🙂 No, I didn’t regret at all! Ours was the best team if you agree. 😀 You were over enthused, no doubt and I let you be. 😉
You brought back that time. Come, let’s go again!
Truly Nisha…let’s go back again. And this time we can do it for 3 hours 😉
I must admit I was so engrossed in reading about your seakart experience and how you slowly aced it and then there’s the landscape picture out of blue and like a kid I go Wohooooo! 😀 The dramatically beautiful picture of lagoon. Wow. That said, (hopefully I don’t sound going so far from the post irself) the experience was fun reading 🙂 I may be repeating this, but the simple way you put down things makes for such a good read!! Cheers. (P.S. Definitely want to do this but being the captain)
Thank you so much. Glad you enjoy my posts. And no, I will never get tired of hearing the same. For me, it is so much of an encouragement.
Wonderful read. Wonder why these are not introduced in India in any places? Would you be knowing any beaches in India who would be doing this?
Thanks Anindya. I wish these were in India too. However, as per what I am told, you find these only in Mauritius.
This sounds really cool. I’ve never heard of such a thing but I think I might also get in trouble with the instructors
He he . I won’t blame you if you do. It is so amazing …the speed and the fact that you are doing it.
Wow! What a unique experience for you! I’m definitely putting it on my bucket list
Definitely worth it. There is a certain kick in doing it yourself.
Good information and good pictures. Although I am more of a mountain person but I do love sea sports and have enjoyed them a lot in several countries. Mauritius is still on my list.
Ooh I am sure you will love it. Hope you get to Mauritius soon Archana.
I am not much of a water person but this looks like a lot of fun. Lucky you had a photographer as they took some great shots to document your adventure. You did a great job of describing your experience and I enjoyed reading about it.
Thank you Christine. And I enjoyed reliving it through this post.
I have never heard of a seakart before. But yes I have gone on a jet ski and know how to ride it,
There aren’t many around and hence, not many have tried this out. But it is a lovely experience if you ever manage to encounter it.
Ooh this looks like a water activity I could handle. Great tip on not going too slow. I would have an issue with that. I’d want to go slow but it seems like one of those things that is easier when you go faster.
Yep… the faster speed makes it easier to steer around else you keep trying to control the drift. Hope you get to it soon.
Sounds like you had a great day! I’ve never been on a Jet Ski before as I was too scared! I’ve never known then to come with instructors driving? If they did I probably would have gone on haha. I’ve only ever been to places where they just let you loose on them! The photo of the Lagoon looks beautiful!
Thanks Claire….am sure you would have enjoyed this one…safe and fun and they do let you go wild!
Ami this looks so much fun and I was looking at all your pics and your different expressions– from intense ones to excited ones. I know am not that adventurous person but Sam would definitely love to do. Mauritius has been pending for us, hopefully we can plan a trip soon.
Trust me Swati….you will love it too and don’t let Mausam do all the riding. You should have a go at it.
This looks like a lot of fun! Somehow despite growing up in a town where we all got our boating licenses in school (really!) I’ve never been on a jetski or a seakart. Maybe I’ll have to try it the next time I’m home to see my parents.
He he….happens when you stay too close to these things. The good thing is that you have ample opportunity to try it the next time. Cheers
This is the first time I’ve heard of a Seakart! It would be scary at first going so fast out on the open waters, but looks like a blast I wouldn’t regret experiencing!
It was just awesome Shane and remember – for once, speed is the key and no one is going to begrudge you for it. 😛
What an adventure! I’ve been on a jetski and a speedboat, but never on a combination of both. I wish we had that here, it looks like so much fun!
Thanks Ivy. I hope you get a chance to try this somewhere. It is just awesome
I have never seen a cross between a jetski and a speed boat until now! Wow, that looks fun and what better place to do it than the gorgeous waters of Mauritius!
I totally agree…Mauritius is a perfect location to try these things .
I’ve never done this before but it looks like so much fun! It’s rare that speed is actually encouraged so why not take advantage of it?!
Indeed…rarely you get the license to speed! 🙂 Thanks Lydia for stopping by.
OMG this looks SO FUN! I’ve always wanted to jet ski (hadn’t heard of seakarts before now) and sounds like you had an awesome adventure. Mauritius seems like quite the place to explore!
Indeed…Mauritius is a lovely place to explore and if you head there, make sure you try this one out.
I’ve tried boating and jet ski, but this seakart seems much fun.. Look at the waves! Me likey 🙂
ooh I am sure you will…Thanks for stopping by, Blair
I’ve never been on a jet ski actually! They never looked very stable. I think I’d like to try a seakart because I’m fine with speedboats. This looks like a lot of fun! yet, another reason to visit Mauritius.
This one is a lot more stable. And lots of fun too…hope you get there soon!
Looks like inbetween a speed boat and jet ski. It must have been a great experience and oh that speed at 60 kph wow adrenaline junkie activity awaiting for me!
Yes and I did not even realise when I touched that speed. It was so much fun!
You sound like a pro with all those tips. 🙂 The exciting moments reflected well in the pictures. This activity had interested me earlier too.
Ooh Indrani…I became a pro by the end of it all. The initial few mistakes taught me a lot. I highly recommend this experience to all.
V or straight line – who cares as long as you have fun and master it 😀 You sure became a pro and Nisha seemed scared at first but super happy eventually so yay to you girls 😀
🙂 Thanks guys. It was fun all the way.
I always wanted to operate a motor boat and was annoyed that they are not going to let you do so even for a jet ski!
Glad to know about this place and seems you had fun!!!
Oh yes, am glad I got to do this myself. And if you ever do get a chance, you should try it out.
I MUST TRY THAT!! It looks so cool and funny! Thank you for make me discover the seakart, definitely have to try it 🙂
Thanks Miriam. It sure is – cool, funny and safe.
I didn’t hear about seakarting before. It looks like a lot of fun though, especially that you say if is very stable when you steer. I didn’t try a jet ski yet but I have seen so many people falling off them (I live by the seaside)
Oh yes, it is very stable and which is why it is so safe and easy to ride. Hope you manage to get to one soon.
I’ve never heard of a Seakart before. How interesting! This looks like an awesome place to try out a Seakart for the first time!
It sure is. Seakarts are not very common and Mauritius is one of those few places that offers it. Hope you get a chance to try it out.
Was it very hard to drive at all? What a great way to see the area in a cool little boat, I have never seen anything like this before. I will be sure to check it out!!
Not at all, after a few minutes, I got a hang of it and it was easy peasy.
How fun!!! This seriously sounds like such a blast. I’ve also been on a jet ski and totally agree that you have to have a little power to keep it in control 🙂 This would def be on my to-do list whenever I go to Mauritius!
I hope you do manage to get there soon. It is a fun ride alright.
Sooo funnyyy, I would like to answer of your first impression of this post and…actually I have never tried it!! It seems you enjoyed this adventure in Mauritius! Anyway you did it into a lagoon, so I suppose there were not big waves like in the sea! thanks for sharing it, I would try it one day
It was a thrilling ride And one that is a must-do in Mauritius. Yes, the waves were gentle but they were waves alright and at the end of it, I loved going over them.
We love these Seakarts. We’d love to try them. We lived in Miami Florida for years and drove Jet skis ourselves many many times. They’re awesome but the one drawback is that they’re best for only one person. When you have 2 people on a jet ski it’s slower and not really fun for there person in back. But the Seakart is like a mini speed boat that we couple share an adventurous time in as a couple. We’ll definitely try them out when in Mauritius.
Yep, it is ideal for a couple and very stable. Hope you have loads of fun as I did. Cheers.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard about seakarts before! Learnt something new. Definitely sounds like you would control it quite similarly to a jet ski. Sounds like you had a fantastic time being a Captain 🙂
Thank you …I totally loved my role as a Captain 🙂
The seakart experience sounds really exciting. Riding with the waves, the sea breeze in your hair and hands on the controls, cruising along in the sea . It must have been an exhilarating experience.
It sure was. Totally enjoyed every moment of it. Thanks for stopping by
Ami, I would have been just like you. Always pushing the throttle to go faster. I have been accused by many to be a fast driver. So I am pretty sure If I ever get to do this, I would definitely scare my instructor too.
He he…and he will cut off the throttle like he did with us. 🙂 Hope you get to try this Soumya.
Riding a seakart looks like a lot of fun! I had never even heard of this water sport! It looks like an awesome day out, and if I hear of it during my own travels I will be sure to book!
Thanks guys. Hope you do manage one of these…it is super fun!
You got to drive the seakart yourself! I can imagine the thrill that you must had while the steering would have been in your hands 🙂 Now I got a unique reason to visit mauritius as soon as possible
Ooh you bet! That was the fun of it all – steering in my hand! Thanks for stopping by.
Wow. Looks like you had a great time. Beautiful pictures. We are planning to visit Mauritius this year, will definitely try this. The travel tips seems to be really useful as well.
Awesome. Hope you guys have a fantastic trip. Mauritius is beautiful.
Seems so fun !!! ahaha
I will probably go to Mauritius in 2017. I add the Seakart on my To do List 😉
Thanks for the recommendation!
Oh lovely! Hope you get there soon and let me know if you need any info or tips. Cheers.
This is so cool! I would love to try this if I make it back to Mauritius. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you do Mansi. Thanks for stopping by
It looks like a lot of fun. I’ve been in a similar boat / jet sky on steroids kind of thing and like you say, when against the waves locked like you were in the air for a few seconds.
Ooh yes, those moments when you are in the air over the waves were just amazing!
That Seakart is totally cool. I’ve driven jetskis (both the standup and sit down variety) and even piloted a boat. But the Seakart is like a giant jetski in boat form. I’d totally do it.
Lucky you…no one gave me a jet ski 🙁 but that is ok now that I have done the Seakart. I think you will find it a piece of cake after all these experiences that you have had.
Wow!!! This is absolutely an amazing ride. You enjoyed very much I believe
I had an absolute blast 😀
Wow!!I would love to go to MAURITIUS and ride on the sea kart!! Looks fun:)
Will definitely take you with me the next time. 🙂